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المطور: Jyske Medier A/S

Exclusive er Jyske Mediers nyhedsapp.
Med Exclusive får du dagens vigtigste emner fra henholdsvis Horsens, Vejle og Fredericia. Du præsenteres for temaer, der går I dybden med aktuelle og historiske artikler, billeder og videoer. Derudover får du de bedste artikler fra alle de emner, som interesserer dig mest.
Exclusive retter sig mod travel familier, der gerne vil informeres hurtigt og præcist om, hvad der sker I deres lokale miljø og opdateres om vigtige samfundsemner.
Er du digital abonnent eller abonnent på papiravisen, er Exclusive automatisk en del af dit abonnement.

Exclusive is Jyske Medier’s news app. With Exclusive you will receive the day’s most important subjects from respectively Horsens, Vejle and Fredericia. You will be presented with themes that will go into depth with current and historical articles, images and videos. In addition you will get the best articles from all the subjects that interest you the most.
Exclusive is targeting busy families, who quickly and precisely want to be informed about what is happening in their local environment and be updated about important society related subjects.
Are you a digital subscriber or a subscriber of the print newspaper, then Exclusive is already a part of your subscription.